
Mitchel Richard Padron Baker

Student and Full Stack Developer

Stoked on everything Computer Science related, contact me with whatever option is the most preferable

  • codeSnap1

    Heartbleed Actionable Cards

  • codeSnap2

    Heartbleed back-end using Socket.io

  • codeSnap3

    Github version control of Heartbleed

  • codeSnap4

    Chess built using React

  • codeSnap5

    Java programs geared towards terminal

Heartbleed: A Card Trading Game Simulator

Unleash the power of your creature cards to lower your opponent's life total to 0, or create your own deck to master the battlefield.

The playtest version of Heartbleed is currently under development and will be released for users to test within the near future.

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Source Code

FlashPass: A FlashCard Study Tool

Study new vocabulary, new ideas, or concepts by generating flashcard sets, or discover helpful sets from others.

Get Started
Source Code

The BiConvexEye: A Photography Portfolio

The BiConvex Eye is a Photography Portfolio dedicated to the wonderful planet that we have the opportunity to inhabit.

Source Code

World-Scrape: Scraping the internet one site at a time

Discover international news articles within a single application without redirecting to other sites.

Source Code

Mars Biodome Colony Concept and Design

A permanent space colony on Mars developed with a bio-dome design aimed at deflecting away harmful radiation; Supports a series of hydroponic systems allowing for the cultivation of edible crops; Provides inhabitants with medical/health care benefits.
